Chirr App

Twitter LinkedIn crossposting - share your Twitter threads on LinkedIn

Twitter LinkedIn crossposting - share your Twitter threads on LinkedIn

Josh Pitzalis
Fri Nov 11 2022
This article was co-authored by Chidinma Iwu.
Content marketing is fun until you need to cross-post a large chunk of product content to your professional network on Twitter and LinkedIn. The hassle of first getting it in a thread and constantly checking for how many words can be contained in each tweet, then eventually copying and pasting each thread part to LinkedIn — this tiring process can take a toll on content production for businesses.
If you've followed this process several times, you're probably looking for tools that help cross-post crafted Twitter threads directly to LinkedIn and manage posts on both social media accounts. This article is a step-by-step tutorial that shows you the best Twitter thread cross-posting app to cross-post Twitter threads to LinkedIn.
If you're already a user of our tool and want to learn how you can easily cross-post your threads to LinkedIn, this is for you.

How To Cross-post Twitter threads to LinkedIn

Introducing: Chirr App

The cross-post feature is not an integrated Twitter command, so while you won't find it in your Twitter settings, you will in the Chirr app. It is a Twitter marketing tool that solves all possible problems of creating and resharing content across LinkedIn and Twitter by proffering easy-to-navigate solutions. It is one of the best apps for creating, scheduling, and cross-posting Twitter threads to LinkedIn.

What does it do?

With the Chirr app, you can seamlessly type an entire Twitter thread at once, split it into 280-character tweets, and then preview what it'll look like before publishing it to your social network.

Connecting Chirr App to LinkedIn

If you don't already have a Chirr App account, you will need to sign up at using your Twitter account. Chirr App is free to use if you just want to compose and post threads to Twitter (for threads that are 10 tweets or less) but cross-posting to LinkedIn is paid feature on the Pro plan.

Account settings

Once you have a Chirr account, you can connect your LinkedIn account by clicking on the drop-down button at the top right corner of the Chirr app's interface. Tap ‘manage account’.
It'll draw out an ‘accounts page’ with the options of linking to additional Twitter accounts or LinkedIn accounts. Click on “Link LinkedIn account”.
You'll be redirected to LinkedIn and asked to input your email and LinkedIn password to sign in.
Once you add the necessary LinkedIn information, it's done, your LinkedIn account has been linked! You can choose to unlink your LinkedIn account by following the same process.
For now, you can only add a personal LinkedIn account and not a business or company page.

Cross-posting your first Twitter thread

Being new to Chirr App and unsure of how to create your first tweet or thread is okay – we're here to help.

Compose or import your thread

The blank format page is all yours to flex with. Drafts will save automatically if you leave the thread format page. You can add hashtags to spark specific conversations between your Twitter followers or LinkedIn connections and gain more reach. There's an ‘Upload’ tab just at the top to add any media if you like.
Chirr App also has a free browser extension that makes it easy to pull existing blog posts into the Chirr App and automatically convert them into threads. For example, the text in the image above was highlighted and copied in from a post by Gemma Joyce on Brandwatch.

Split your text into separate tweets

If you decide to import text with the browser extension, Chirr App will automatically suggest sensible places to split the text into separate tweets. You are free to modify this however you want.
When formatting your draft, there are two ways to split threads:

❌ The Split tweet button

To use this method, highlight the sentences you want to split and then click on the Split button at the top of the editor to split the text into two seperate tweets.

✅ Triple-line breaks

The second method is using a triple line break to split the text.
A triple line break just involves pressing enter three times to create two lines of space between paragraphs (as shown in the screenshot below).
We advise that you add a triple line break instead of the split button when crossposting to LinkedIn because the Split button introduces delimiters into the text that you don't want to post to LinkedIn.

Publishing your thread on Twitter

There are a few ways you can publish on Chirr App. If you click the dropdown beside the giant green Share on Twitter now button in the bottom right corner of the app, it will reveal our publishishing options. You can decide to add the thread to a queue, schedule it for a specific time, or simply share it to Twitter right away.

Cross-post your Twitter thread to LinkedIn

Once you're done, and you've successfully published your thread to Twitter, you will end up on a post-publish page where you will be prompted to cross-post your thread to LinkedIn.
Click on ‘Preview post’ to continue and it will take you to a preview page where you can see what your LinkedIn post will look like before you publish it.
Pressing 'Publish to LinkedIn now' will then publish it directly to your LinkedIn profile.
LinkedIn has a 3000-character limit for posts so be sure that you're not trying to cross-post a lengthy thread. Also, if your thread has a single image, it will preserve it as the feature image on a LinkedIn post. But if you have more than one image on your thread – they will be placed side-by-side in a multi-image container like LinkedIn posts with many photos.
If this is the first time you are using Chirr App and you have not posted any threads yet, you will see a prompt to save your first drafts or schedule your first post instead of the cross-post to LinkedIn prompt. If you follow, ignore or cancel these other prompts, then the LinkedIn prompt will show up the next time you use Chirr App to post a thread.
If this is your first post, then you can follow the 'How to cross-post an existing thread' instructions below.

How to cross-post an existing thread

You can also cross-post threads and tweets that you published in the past. Go to your History page and find the post that you want to cross-post. Then click on the dropdown in the bottom right corner of the post component and select 'Crosspost to LinkedIn'.

In conclusion

Chirr App allows businesses and experts to connect and interact with their audiences on Twitter and LinkedIn with its thread-making and cross-post features.
All that needs to be done is following the four-step process of linking your Linkedin account, drafting a thread, publishing it to Twitter, and then cross-posting it to LinkedIn.
You don't need to have any experience with crafting threads as it's an easy-to-navigate feature that's perfect for newbies — you don't have to be on the content team to put a great thread out.
Get yourself a Twitter superpower!
Chirr App is an all-in-one Twitter author app that helps you write threads and tweets, engage with your audience, and access actionable analytics so you could write amazing content consistently.

What is Chirr App?
Chirr App is a tool that helps experts and teams regularly write and schedule Twitter threads. If the people you want to reach are on Twitter, threads are an effective way to establish your expertise in an industry.
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